“The Taming of the Shrew” is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is about a father who has two daughters, the older sister was Katherina, the shrew, and the younger sister was Bianca, a beautiful, young lady. The play is set in Italy. It starts when Baptista Minola, the sisters’ father, says that no one shall marry Bianca until he finds a husband for Katherina, the shrew. Three suitors are fighting over who should marry the kind and beautiful Bianca. One f the men, Lucentio, swaps clothes with his servant, Tranio, so he could court Bianca in disguise. A little while later, a rich man named Petruchio came to Baptista’s house and told Baptista he wanted to marry Katherina, and Baptista gladly accepts his offer.

Even though Kathrinia was mean, lost her temper often, and was ugly, Petruchio still tried many times to convince Katrina to marry him. The three suitors were still competing to get Bionca to marry them. Bionca was impressed by Tranio’s creativeness. Not only was Kathrina mean to men, but she was also mean to her sister, Bionca.

The day of the wedding arrived. Everyone was ready, except for Petruchio who was late. When he did arrive, he was dressed in extremely sloppy clothing. Petruchio rushed the wedding because Kate’s dad changed his mind about Petruio marrying Kate, because Petruio tricked the people into thinking he was rich, but he was actually poor.

When they get home, a servant of Petrutio named Grumio explains to the other servants how they shall act when Kathrina shows up. When Kathrina and Petrutio do arrive, Kathrina goes to bed while Petrutio reveals his idea for taming her. After Bionca’s agreement to marry a suitor, Lucentio, another suitor, Hortensio, promises to marry an extremely rich widow. Petruchio and Grumiotry to tame Kathrina until she obeys whatever Petruchio says. A merchant outlines Lucentio’s and Bionca’s wedding while Lucentio made the plans to get married in secret. After the wedding, Petruchio decides to take his new bride, Kathrina, to his home town of Padua. On the way, they meet Lucentio’s father, Vincentio.

Vincentio, Kathrina, and Petruchio all return to Petrucio’s home city, Padua. Meanwhile, like they planned, Bionca and Lucentio get married in secret. Hortensio and the widow also get married. The married couples of Petruchio and Kathrina, Lucentio and Bionca, and Hortensio and the widow all have a conversation after their dinner. In the conversation, the husbands bet on their wives to see whose can be the most obedient, which tames Kathrina, the shrew. Kathrina was no longer a shrew, but a kind, loving wife.

Christmas break started a couple weeks before Christmas and ended the week after new year’s eve. It was so fun. We went to The Way of Lights, which is someplace you can go where you can drive around in your car and look at a lot of lights. Also, when you look at the lights there are billions all along the way which tell you about the birth of Jesus Christ.

I also got to go to both of my grandparent’s houses with my family to spend Christmas together and open presents and have a fun time, and my uncle was going to marry my new aunt on new year’s eve, and all the cousins were going to be in it, and I got to go see one of my favorite movies in the theater with all the cousins. It is called “Star Wars 9”. One night my cousin, Peydon, came to spend the night. We stayed up really late. We played a lot of games, and we played with legos.

Over the last few days, we got to go to church, play with the thing we got from Christmas like puzzles, games, and books. we also got to play in the snow, play outside, play baseball, and a lot of other fun things like that. I love Christmas Break.

My sister, Liberty, is so cute. She is three years old and loves to talk. When she talks, she is so funny. She loves it when I lift her up on my shoulders and walk around with her. She loves to pretend to be a puppy. She also loves to play family. My brothers and I like playing with her. She loves playing with friends. She loves to pay Calico Critters. She likes everyone. She likes to hug and kiss people. She likes having girl time with mom. She likes to have snacks, especially fruit snacks. She is just the most adorable person on earth.

One day, my mom woke me up very early, then I remembered we were going to the zoo today. My parents told me to get ready and help them and soon I got in our car with my family and drove off. When we got to the zoo we got to pet the stingrays there. The zookeepers even let me and some other feed the stingrays and squids! My parents let me and my brothers and sister see what we wanted to see. We got to see a zookeeper feed the sessions. We even got to ride the carousel. We saw tigers, leopards, a serval, and a lot more big cats. We got to see a bunch of birds in the birdhouse. At a section of the zoo called “River’s Edge,” we saw elephants, rhinos, bears, etc. In another part of the zoo, we saw chimpanzees, orangutans, and apes! I had such a fun time at the zoo.

The three main characters in the book, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” are Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, and Aunt Polly. Tom and Huck were the best of friends and got each other into all sorts of trouble. They were both very adventurous. One time they went searching for gold in a forest near the old shack without a map and it took all day. They never found anything, so they decided to come back that night to try again, but somebody else found the gold in the old shack before they did.

The two boys were also mischievous. One night they went to a graveyard with a dead cat to throw at a demon that they saw; however, there were no demons and accidentally threw the dead cat at a person and got into a lot of trouble. The boys were also lazy. When Aunt Polly told Tom to paint the fence, Tom found out a way to get his friends to do the work for him, and Aunt Polly never found out.

One day, Tom wanted some adventure, so he ran away from home with Huck and another one of his friends to become pirates. After a few days, the townspeople began wondering where they had gone. About two weeks after the boys disappeared, they began missing everyone and headed for home. That same day, the townspeople held a funeral for the boys because they thought the boys died, but in the middle of the funeral, the boys came into the church where the funeral was being held and everyone was amazed and happy to see them.

Despite their similarities, Tom and Huck had several differences. Tom did not have a mom or a dad, but he had his Aunt Polly who loved him and took care of him. Huck had a dad, but Huck’s dad was not a kind or loving person who did not take care of Huck, so Huck had to take care of himself. Because Tom had a loving aunt who took care of him, he was able to go to church and school. Since Huck did not have a moving dad, he could not go to church or school. Sometimes Huck got Tom to follow him on some adventures while Huck led it.

Aunt Polly had some similarities and differences too. Aunt Polly loves Tom and took care of him. Tom also loves Aunt Polly. They also go to church together. Aunt Polly does lots of things because she loves him. Same for Tom, because he loves his Aunt.

Aunt Polly also has several differences like Tom and Huck. Aunt Polly is a grown-up. Tom and Huck are just kids. Aunt Polly is also hard working. Not Tome, he is lazy. One more is that Aunt Polly is responsible. Not so much as for the two boys. They are very mischievous. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” is one of my favorite books.

Bear Safety

Bear safety is an extremely mindful technique that you can use if you are out in the backcountry and you’re hiking or trekking in the woods Bears are very aggressive and could kill you, or tear up your campsite, or eat all your food. If bears find your campsite and are proceeding towards ou, you need to play dead, covering your neck, belly, etc. showing that you aren’t a threat. If that doesn’t work, fight back! Keeping your food at least two hundred feet away from your campsite s very important. It keeps the bear away from your location, however, the bear can get to the food so I recommend the bear canister or the bear bag. You just have to put the bear canister on the ground, but you have to hang the bear bag on a tree limb 10-12 feet above the ground, 6-8 feet away from the tree trunk, and at least 4 feet below the limb you are hanging the bag on. You have to put every scented thing in our campsite that will attract bears in your canister or the bag, for example: toothpaste, food, etc. Be safe!

“ICS is the model tool for command, control, and coordination of a response and provides a means to coordinate the efforts of individual agencies as they work toward the common goal of stabilizing the incident and protecting life, property, and the environment.” ICS was organized to help people in big emergencies. Let’s say that the place you live in is about to flood. The ICS contacts the navy, the army, etc. to get you out before the place floods.

The ICS is used for many different reasons. When hazardous materials get into the air, they have to kill the bacteria in the air to make it healthy to breathe again. The ICS is also contacted for specially planned events like parades, parties, meetings, etc. They are also contacted if a fire has taken place or if somebody is lost or if something occurs that has several casualties. If any of these occurs or more, the ICS can handle it.

SAR was organized to help anyone who was lost or injured or in trouble. Specialized SAR Organizations were organized to help people who are in extreme danger like a building is about to collapse and people are still inside. The government calls in the Specialized SAR Organization and the people get in the building and get out quickly with the people who were inside before the building collapsed! Same thing in an avalanche. If you were about to get run over by an avalanche, the specialized SAR Organization would send in a helicopter and get you out of the way of the avalanche, pronto! There are also Specialized SAR canine dogs. Some need a trainer to guide them, but some canines don’t need a trainer. They can do their work without them. How cool is that?! There are SAR organizations all around the world, so wherever you are: lost, injured, etc., the search and rescue organization will always be there.


Venice was built on 118 small islands off the coast of Italy. The islands are connected by different waterways and canals. Venice used these waterways and canals instead of roads, and instead of using cars, they use flat-bottom boats called gondolas. Gondolas are driven by gondoliers. Gondolas are used for transportation in Venice. Venice is even well known for its beautiful art and architecture. The most famous style of art in Venice is Venetian Gothic Architecture. A very important center for art is known as the Venetian School. Music is also a very important part of Venice. Opera was also very important in Venice. Antonio Vivaldi was a great composer who came from Venice. Marco Polo also lived in Venice. Also, out of all the first cities with a printing press and established business, Venice was one of them. A carnival in Venice has been held since the 12th century. Throughout the carnival, everyone wore a mask. They even had a contest to see who had the most beautiful mask.