I will sell my business when it makes a profit of $50,000 a year, so that I can buy an affordable car and go to college to earn a degree in Biology. My goal is to buy a car that is $5,000 or less. Also I estimated $100,000 for college. The first thing I did was I went to FitSmallBusiness.com to use their Business Valuation Calculator. I plugged in different profits and owner salaries to find out how much I would need in order to sell $105,000.

Looking at the numbers, I would think of not selling the business at all because of how much money it makes. On the other hand, I really want to study Biology and I would need a degree to do that which I can only get from a college. I want to major in Biology because I want to be a Herpetologist when I grow up and I need Biology to help me get a degree because  if I want to work at a zoo or at a university I would need a degree in Biology.

If I wanted to keep the business and go to college I could go to night school which costs less and I can still run my business. I could also follow on Herpetology on YouTube. I could do my school online. I can take local internships at herpetology stores. I could build my YouTube audience and then leverage that into a scholarship at a school. I could teach for a school or be an assistant to somebody. I really hope I can become a Herpetologist someday.

Which aspect of the plot of In His Steps so far sounds most implausible? In His Steps was written by Charles Monroe Sheldon. It is said to be one of the best-selling books of all time selling over fifty-million copies first being published in 1896. The full title of the book is In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do. I recently read it as a school book and I really liked it. It is nick-named What Would Jesus Do because at the beginning of the book Rev. Henry Maxwell, the pastor of a church, challenges everyone in the church that in every situation or problem they have they ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” for a whole year (but they did not have to do it if they did not want to). This phrase is referred to throughout the book. Some Christians even use this phrase now, two hundred years after the book was even published.

What I think is most implausible (which means not likely to happen) is when a random person comes to Rev. Maxwell’s house and asks Maxwell to find him a job. Maxwell says he probably can and the person leaves. The next day at church the man comes to church, comes to the pulpit, and says that the church treated him very badly (we never find out how) and passes out. He dies a few days later. I think this is implausible because people randomly passing out and dying later is not possible, and if it is, it is extremely rare.

What I think is also implausible is not the What Would Jesus Do challenge that Rev. Maxwell gives the church, but how many people in the church agree to do it. I mean, how often do you see a ton of people agree to a challenge like this? And doing it for a whole year just makes it sound even more implausible. Who, in present time, would do that besides Christians? I know no one that would. Do you?

Another implausible thing is when Rev. Maxwell is elected to give a tent meeting to the people about not going back to the town’s saloon and why it is bad to go back to the saloon and that the saloon is an evil place. When Rev. Maxwell finishes the meeting everyone who attended goes back to the saloon and ignores everything Rev. Maxwell told them. No one even stayed for the after meeting. Who does that!? Rev. Maxwell gave an hour speech on why the saloon is bad and why they should never go back there again. Why would they even ever go back? How often does that even happen? To me, extremely rare.

There are a lot of other implausible points in the book, but there is too much to mention them all. There is a Bible verse that says that through God, everything is possible. I love that verse. It is a very good and influential verse. I love the book and I recommend it as a book you need to read.

Which aspect of the plot of In His Steps so far sounds most implausible? In His Steps was written by Charles Monroe Sheldon. It is said to be one of the best-selling books of all time selling over fifty-million copies first being published in 1896. The full title of the book is In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do. I recently read it as a school book and I really liked it. It is nick-named What Would Jesus Do because at the beginning of the book Rev. Henry Maxwell, the pastor of a church, challenges everyone in the church that in every situation or problem they have they ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” for a whole year (but they did not have to do it if they did not want to). This phrase is referred to throughout the book. Some Christians even use this phrase now, two hundred years after the book was even published.

What I think is most implausible (which means not likely to happen) is when a random person comes to Rev. Maxwell’s house and asks Maxwell to find him a job. Maxwell says he probably can and the person leaves. The next day at church the man comes to church, comes to the pulpit, and says that the church treated him very badly (we never find out how) and passes out. He dies a few days later. I think this is implausible because people randomly passing out and dying later is not possible, and if it is, it is extremely rare.

What I think is also implausible is not the What Would Jesus Do challenge that Rev. Maxwell gives the church, but how many people in the church agree to do it. I mean, how often do you see a ton of people agree to a challenge like this? And doing it for a whole year just makes it sound even more implausible. Who, in present time, would do that besides Christians? I know no one that would. Do you?

Another implausible thing is when Rev. Maxwell is elected to give a tent meeting to the people about not going back to the town’s saloon and why it is bad to go back to the saloon and that the saloon is an evil place. When Rev. Maxwell finishes the meeting everyone who attended goes back to the saloon and ignores everything Rev. Maxwell told them. No one even stayed for the after meeting. Who does that!? Rev. Maxwell gave an hour speech on why the saloon is bad and why they should never go back there again.

Which three time-allocation changes could increase my productivity the most? This means what three things could I change that would increase my productivity. For me, my productivity is my school. The first thing that could help me do my school better and faster is getting rid of lunch movies. We have been watching movies with our lunches for as far back as I can remember. We always have about an hour and a half of movie time with our lunch. If I got rid of my lunch movie time than I could get done with my school faster so that I could get a head start on my chores.

My second thing that I could change is waking up earlier. If I had an alarm clock (which I really need to get) I could get up on a specific time and get a head start on my school so that I can have a fresher mind, and when you have a fresher mind, it means that you are smarter, and when you are smarter you get done with things faster, and once you am done with the thing you am doing you can get started on other things faster. So if you get up early in the morning, everything gets done faster.

The third thing I can change is going to sleep faster. If I go to sleep faster than I can get up earlier which combines with getting up early in the morning. These three things can help me change my life.

What can I cut out of my weekly schedule in order to increase my efficiency? This means what can I get rid of so that I do better at what I am slacking at. This might include video games, toys, TV, etc. For me, what I am slacking at is my school, cleaning the house and chores and what I probably need to get rid of is TV and LEGOs. We watch TV with lunch every day for about an hour and a half. If I cut back on TV with lunch and eat a five minute lunch than I can get back to school faster and I can get done with school faster. I can watch TV later in the day.

The other thing I need to cut back on are LEGOs. LEGOs are my favorite toys, but they cause to many distractions. When I am cleaning the house I always get distracted by LEGOs and my parents yell at me to get back to work, and I do not like getting yelled at, so I really need to cut back a little on LEGOs. I also get distracted by LEGOs when I am doing chores. In this house, chores are very important (if you saw our house you would agree). And if my parents catch me playing with LEGOs they would be yelling at me to get back to work. What I need to do is I need to cut back on LEGOs a lot if I do not want to get yelled at anymore.

How should church members have tried to find out what Jesus would have done in their situations? They should have read there Bible. 2Peter 1:3 says, By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. This verse means that every single question we have is answered in the Bible. God has also given us instructions to how to live our lives like Jesus did through his word, the Bible.

I have read many pieces of literature in my life, but non have affected me as much as this one book. It is also the most popular, copied, and sold book ever written. It is also written over the course of four thousand years! It had forty authors, and a lot of them were not alive while others were alive. And that book is the BIBLE. The Bible is the greatest book ever written and will continue to be until the earth ends. The Bible is the book that most influenced me I had ever read. It is also my favorite book of all time.

When I was about two or three years old, I began having nightmares almost every night, so my dad put a speaker in my room and played the Bible on the speaker and I stopped having nightmares. I began memorizing the Bible when I was in Cubbies in AWANA (an organization all around the world to bring people to Jesus Christ and teach them about the Bible. AWANA stands for All Workmen Are Not Ashamed). The Bible has taught me a ton of things. Like how the universe came to be, how to be saved, very interesting historical facts, and so much more. The Bible is also very interesting to read. It tells the story of the beginning of the universe all the way to the end of time.

My favorite part of the Bible is when Jesus dies, but them rises from the dead. My favorite verse of the Bible is Proverbs 6:6-8, Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest (English Standard Version). There are many other extremely wise verses in the Bible, like the ten commandments. Those are really important verses. And if you ever want to see how the universe was made, then go to the very beginning of the Bible to the book Genesis. And Revelations, the very last book of the Bible, tells the future of the universe. The Bible is the best book ever made. Jesus is the best part of the Bible. It is said that if all of Jesus’s works were written down on paper, that it would take up more space than all the books in the world would. Now that is a ton of things that Jesus did, especially for us.

The Bible is an amazing book. It has changed my life a thousand percent! And although I have not read the whole Bible yet, I am still learning a lot of interesting facts from the Bible. However, not everyone is able to have the advantage of having a Bible, so it is very good that missionaries are risking there lives to give people Bibles so that they can come to God and Jesus and be saved. The Bible has changed my life a lot and is continuing to change my life.

Α”The Breakthrough Principle of 16X” is a book that tells you how to get 16 times better at what you are already good at (that is what the 16X stands for). The book begins with a brief history about how the 16X principle (also known as the 80/20 principle) was made. It also tells  you the 10 greatest business ideas of all time. I will be talking about my top two favorites.

The first one is Low Cost Volume. Low Cost Volume means to be the cheapest. Now, you might be thinking, “But if your products are cheap, than how will you get enough money to live?” Well, the answer is to sell a lot of what you are currently selling. If you sell a lot of what you are currently selling, than you will get as much money as if you were not selling it for a cheap price, you may even get more money. Remember that these are the greatest business ideas of all time.

The other idea that I really like is Build on Your Strengths. That means to make your best attributes even stronger. So it basically means to get better at what you are already good at. If you are really good at something, but you want to be like really good at something else because you see this guy making a lot of money doing his job and you want to make a lot of money to, do not switch jobs. You will waste a lot of money and time. All you have to do is get better at what you are already good at.

The other ideas are Market Leadership, Delegate, Self-Service, Subtract Something, Create a New Niche Category, Personalize, Do It Faster, and Do It Smaller. This is a great book. You should really try reading it.

How do you predict the conditions and characteristics of your child? Well, in this essay I will explain the whole process to you. I will be using the sex-linked traits process. I will also be using X and Y chromosomes. Lets say there is a Mother and Father. The mother has green eyes (X) and the Father has green or blue eyes (X). If they have a daughter, than what color eyes will she have? Well, she will have green eyes (XX) because the green eyes from the parents is dominant over the blue eyes. Same thing with every other thing. Only males can have Y chromosomes. So if a father has a Y chromosome, and a mother has blue eyes (X) than if they have a son, the son will have blue eyes (XY). This process is extremely easy if you know it. as I said, this applies to everything else like colorblindness, skin color, etc.

Which dream in Looking Backward seemed more realistic: When he woke up in 1887 or 2000? First, lets recap the book. Our main character, a man named Julian West, lives in the year 1887. He is thirty years old. One night after a attending a party, he falls asleep and when he wakes up, it is the year 2000!  The assumption is that Julian has been asleep for one hundred and thirteen years! The crazy thing is that he did not age at all while he was asleep, he was still 30 years old. Julian was forced to learn how to live in the future. There many strange things that Julian saw in the year 2000, like computers and electronics.  After a few days of living in the year 2000, he falls asleep again and this time when he wakes up, he is back in the year 1887. It seems it was all a dream. It must have been an extremely realistic dream because Julian has to relearn how to live in the year 1887 where there are no computers, no electronics, and no cars. He was quite thankful to be back in his own time, especially since he had a girl that he was going to marry. She did not exist in his dream, nor did his friends or his family. 

When I began reading this book I actually thought that he was in the year 2000 when he woke up the first time. It was all so realistic, the things he saw, the things he heard, and the things he experienced. The plot line was a little bit hard to believe though, but then I realized that the book was science fiction so that made it a little more believable. The one thing that I had a hard time believing is the fact that he did not at all age. It is just not humanly or physically possible for someone to not age. The book did not even have some science twist to it. The book did not explain how he did not age. It is not like somebody cast a spell on him like in Sleeping Beauty. And he definitely did not get frozen in ice like in Captain America. So that really confused me. But near the end of the book he woke up from the dream and I finally understood how he could sleep for that long. It was all a dream! He never really slept for that long. Besides, who could!? It is more believable he experienced a really long dream that lasted days, but it his own time, it has only been a short time. If normal time and dream time went at the same rate and you had a dream that lasted days, than you would have been asleep that lasted days, and there is no way that you could be asleep for days because you have to wake up at some point. I have never had a dream that lasted days and I hope that I never do, but it is fun to imagine it.