Would it be moral to grade exams, so that all students get C’s? If not, is it moral for the state to redistribute incomes? For the first question, it is not moral. When my mom was in collage she was in music history. And for a project she was grouped with two other people and they were each supposed to write a paper on the history of music Then there grades were combined to make a single grade for the whole class. Well, about a month later, my mom and here group each turned in an eight to ten page paper. My mom did an amazing job, even the teacher said so. My mom got an A on that paper and she never got anything besides A’s in her class’s that had music in it. However, the other two people were terrible. They got C’s. But since this was a group project the whole group got B’s. this was the first B my mom ever got in music class’s. My mom was furious. So the answer to the first question is MOST DEFENETLY NOT!

As for the second question, no! Lets say one person earns three hundred dollars a week, and another guy earns six hundred dollars a week. If the answer to the second question is yes than the two men turn in there checks that they earned to the government than the government would divide the checks evenly. Then they would each get four hundred and fifty dollars. This is bad because this is stealing and it basically means that everyone no matter what the job or what they do they are all paid the same. If people get paid the same than everyone will want the easy jobs because they will get paid the same if they get hard jobs. In a book my family likes called ” The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas” they teach this exact same stuff. So, the answer to the second question is no.

Who my target audience should be for my autobiography? If you have read all of my other autobiography essays than this should be easy for you. My target audience is mainly going to be my decedents. I have explained that a whole lot in my other autobiography essays. “I would write my autobiography so that years later from generation to generation my descendants would know about there family history and what happened years and years and years before they were even born into the world.” That is what I wrote in an earlier essay. It is true though. Very true.

The lifestyle I want 20 years from now. The lifestyle I want twenty years from now starts with my family I would want to have twenty years from now. I would want to have a loving wife that loves Jesus and God and is a great mother. I would also want her to be beautiful and cook good. I would also want to have only three children that are obedient and love me, my wife, and God and Jesus.

Next is where I would live. I would want to live in a relatively small house, but if I had enough money I would want a large house. I would want to live close to family, but close enough to work so that I will always be on time for everything. I would want a house that has room for everything a regular house has and maybe a little extra.

Now it is time for what my job will be. I really hope that my job will involve herpetology, but if God does not want me to have this job but he wants me to have another job, I will not argue. I will simply just take the job he wants me to have.

Now for the rest. I would want to go to church every Sunday and read my Bible twice every day so that I will never forget what God and Jesus have done for me. And I will do devotions with my family every night and that all my family would be Christians.

What benefits would I get from writing an autobiography? Well, my mom gave me an idea. Here it is… I would want to write an autobiography so that my descendants would know what it was like living in my day and how my life went and what the economics were and a lot more so that they would know how to live there lives. I can also tell them my ideal way to live lives. It would also tell them were they came from, who they came from, and it would tell them there family history. I could also tell them what my life was about and what stuff in my time was like. Also, if I became a famous person some day I would definitely want to write an autobiography to show my decedents all of my great works so that maybe my decedents would know how to become famous just like I did. If I was a missionary, I would write about it in my autobiography in case any of my descendants want to be a missionary so that I could give them some pointers to how to become a missionary so that they can become one to, just like I did. So in summary, I would write my autobiography so that years later from generation to generation my descendants would know about there family history and what happened years and years and years before they were even born into the world. I could also tell them how to become the things I was. (I am really not all of these things. I am just saying them for effect.)

My dad also gave me an idea. It is called introspection. Introspection provides me with an opportunity to take time and see goals that I have not done yet or goals that I have not even set yet so that I can accomplish my goals or set them and then accomplish those goals. However, it does not fix it. It only provides you with an opportunity to take time and see goals that you have not done yet or goals that you have not even set yet so that you can accomplish those goals or set them and then accomplish those goals. It is very important that you accomplish or make then accomplish goals so that you do not become a lazy person. Never become a lazy person. I mean this as a warning. If you are a lazy person then that means that you will most likely become poor and dumb and that will not be good. So do not become a lazy person but instead do introspection. Take some time and see goals that you have not done yet or goals that you have not even set yet so that you can accomplish those goals or set them and then accomplish those goals. These two ideas are very good ideas if you want to write an autobiography and they are also good benefits for writing an autobiography.

What can you do now to make your biography less disjointed than Twain’s? Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Mark Twain was just his pen name.  Twain was born on November 30, 1835 and he died on April 21, 1910 after a heart attack. Twain was “an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.” He was lauded as the “greatest humorist the United States has produced,” and William Faulkner called him “the father of American literature”.” Twain wrote the famous books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. My dad loves those books so much.

I recently read part of Mark Twain’s autobiography and it is very disjointed which means scatterbrained, not put together very well, back and forth a lot. There is a movie I like called Holes and it is very disjointed. You have to watch it a couple times to understand it. The movie goes into the past and back into the present so many times I could not keep up with the story line. The ideal autobiography I would want to read is a book on the important events in someone’s life. I do not care much for somebody’s life right from when they were a baby up to their death. To me, it is kind of boring. And I do not really like disjointed autobiography’s. They do not really make any sense. If I were to write my own autobiography than I would journal to keep all of my important memories in it. If you were to write your own autobiography than you would want to journal to keep all of your important memories in it. If you tried writing an autobiography without journaling, that would be hard. That is why if I were to write my own autobiography I would most definitely journal. Trying to remember things that happened ten (or more or less) years ago is extremely hard; even for me. If I were to write a autobiography for me or if someone were to write an biography about me, than here is how I would like it to be written. I would like it to start with why my biography was written. And then it would say my birth date and my death date (if I was dead at that time). Then it would say what extraordinary things happened in my life and why they were so extraordinary. I would also like the extraordinary things to go chronologically. And there would be no disjointed parts in the whole book. And at the end it would tell about how great of a person I was (if I ever was great, but I probably will be). The book would be a good book and it would never be confusing or disjointed or weird. It would be mainly on me and my successes (if I ever got any). It would never tell any unnecessary parts about my life or about anybody else’s life. And that is how I would like my biography to be written.

The ideal apprenticeship job, and why. I would love to have the ability to have an apprenticeship that deals with or at least relates to herpetology. There are two places where I live that I can get an apprenticeship at. There is the Saint Louis Zoo and the Tye-Dyed Iguana. The Tye-Dyed Iguana is a pet store for Amphibians and Reptiles. I would learn how to take care of Reptiles and Amphibians for the purpose of being pets and I would probably have more responsibility because of the fact that I would be working in an actual store. But it would be fun even though it is hard (if it is). I might also have a chance to have an apprenticeship in the zoo. If I had an apprenticeship at the zoo than I would probably learn about different varieties of Reptiles and Amphibians, how to preserve endangered species, how to breed new baby Reptiles and Amphibians, and maybe a lot more. Reptile and Amphibian stores let me have a hands on experience and the zoo would let me have the exposure to a lot of different species of Reptiles and Amphibians. I would rather have exposure than experience with Reptiles and Amphibians. What would like to learn from this is I would like to learn more about Reptiles and Amphibians so that I can learn more about them so that I can preserve endangered species and help them be “not so endangered”. Hopefully being in an apprenticeship will help me decide if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

First, the chapter I want to implement in my life is: If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. There are two ways you can do this. Number one: If people tell you you were wrong in some way that they knew was wrong but you did not, than still be humble and admit that you were wrong and ask for forgiveness. Number two: At night when your day is done, look back over your day and change what you did wrong. Mabey you can even look at what you did wrong and change so you do not make the same mistakes tomorrow that you did that day.

If people tell you you were wrong in some way that they knew was wrong but you did not, than still be humble and admit that you were wrong and ask for forgiveness. I am going to put in a little more info about this stuff to make it easier. First, Put on Put off. I mean this as put on humbleness and put off pride. This means to start being humble and to stop being prideful. This might be hard, even to remember, so practice and remind yourself by writing it on a peace of paper and place it on your door to remind yourself. Also, ask God to help you with this.

At night when your day is done, look back over your day and change what you did wrong. You can make this easy by journaling your thoughts. This will make it much easier for you.

Why do you think Plunkitt was so open about how he made his money? First, I want to say a few things about Plunkitt. His real name was George W. Plunkitt to begin with. Plunkitt was a millionaire. Plunkitt was born on November 17, 1842. Plunkitt was a millionaire. He was also involved in politics. He was a politician from the New York State. He also served in “both houses of the New York State Legislature”. He was also “a vehement critic of the Civil Service”. He was a master in machine politics. Plunkitt was in charge of Tammany Hall for a time until he died on November 19, 1924; two days after his eighty-second birthday.

He had a very odd and strange way to gain power and help people at the same time. Whether he was in office or out of office, he did his best to find jobs for the people. Because he did this the people remained loyal and subject to Plunkitt, and that is how he got his power he had years ago. It is very impressive how he became a powerful man just by gaining the trust of the people by helping them find jobs. To do this he must have been really smart. The reason he found jobs for the people is because he cared about the people. He was in politics for some time and he knew that Patriotism was supporting the people of the state. Patriotism is supporting one’s country. The country is not the land, or the government, but the people. So, he thought that if he found jobs for the people of the state he would be doing the right thing. He did this whether he was in office or out of office. Plus, he gained the loyalty of the people which got him his power.  As I said before, To do this he must have been really smart. Well, he was a really smart guy. Don’t you think so too?

Now, back to the topic of this paper: Why do you think Plunkitt was so open about how he made his money? The answer to this is, He cares about the people. That is right. He cares about the people he told them his secret to how to become rich and powerful. Remember that I told you that he cares about the people so much he found jobs for people who needed them? He cares about people so much that he told them how he became rich and powerful. He did not want them to become poor, because what kind of person would people call him then? Besides, it was his duty to look after the people and take care of them. And one of the ways he could do that is if he told us his secret on how to become rich and powerful, which is what he did. He even wrote about it in his autobiography. He must have really cared about the people to give up his secret on how to become rich and powerful just so that they do not become poor.

What would be the most difficult technique in “How to Win Friends and Influence People”? to follow? And why? There are a lot of techniques in “How to Win Friends and Influence People” so I actually can not chose which one is the hardest because mostly all of them are easy, so I am going to chose the three hardest ones. They are: If your wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically, Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely, and Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.

The reason I think the If your wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically technique is hard is because, well, how many times have you admitted that you were wrong quickly and emphatically? I am guessing not a lot of times. How many times have you admitted that you were wrong quickly and emphatically to a stranger? That is why that is hard.

The second thing is the Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely technique. I think this is hard because how hard do you think it is to make the other person think he is important? Yeah, I think it is very hard. And what makes it harder is you have to do it sincerely which makes it a lot harder.

The last technique I think is hard is the Let the other person do a great deal of the talking technique. The reason I think this is hard is because you have to keep the other person talking and that is hard. He or she even might be the one to get you to talk. 

How serious was Plunkitt about patriotism’s connection to obtaining a job after Tammany won an election? First, I would like to tell you who Plunkitt and Tammany are. His real name was George W. Plunkitt. Plunkitt was born on November 17, 1842. Plunkitt was a millionaire. He was also involved in politics. He was a politician from the New York State. He also served in “both houses of the New York State Legislature”. He was also “a vehement critic of the Civil Service”. He was a master in machine politics. And as for Tammany, it is NOT A PERSON. It is really called Tammany Hall. “Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was a New York City political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789, as the Tammany Society”. Plunkitt was in charge of Tammany Hall for a time until he died on November 19, 1924; two days after his eighty-second birthday.

Plunkitt was a very powerful man. Here is why. Whether he was in or out of office, he did his best to find jobs for the people. Because he did this the people remained loyal and subject to Plunkitt, and that is how he got his power he had years ago. It is very impressive how he became a powerful man just by gaining the trust of the people by helping them find jobs. It is also a very smart idea on how to become a powerful person. He must have been a very smart person. It is also amazing that he could find jobs for the people or find people who could find jobs for the people. I think finding jobs for people is a weird, but efficient way to gain power and help people at the same time.

Patriotism is supporting one’s country. The country is not the land, or the government, but the people. Plunkitt’s idea of supporting one’s country (or people) is to find them jobs, in or out of office. Like if he had an open spot in anything for anyone who wanted to take it and he new someone who was jobless, than he would give that job to the jobless person, and he did that so that people would think that he was a very good person so they would remain loyal to him and that is how he got his power. As I said before, I think finding jobs for people is a weird, but efficient way to gain power and help people at the same time. It is also very creative.

How serious was Plunkitt about patriotism’s connection to obtaining a job after Tammany won an election? He was so serious about it that it did not matter if he was in office or out of office, or if he was rich or not, he tried to find people jobs because he thought that that was how patriotism worked, which it basically did, but that is how serious Plunkitt was about patriotism.