An ad to a friend to persuade your friend to persuade his/her parents to sign up for the Ron Paul Curriculum. Now, I will tell you what things to tell your parents to let you use the Ron Paul Curriculum. #1 It is on computers and computers are easily portable, more portable than those large text books they have at school. Plus, text books are extremely expensive. Especially If you buy one for each subject in school. #2 I homeschool so my mom has to teach me. But with the Ron Paul Curriculum I can be taught by real professors even when I am still at home. It is the best. My mom has enough work with the younger kids. #3 Ron Paul Curriculum is preparing me for college. So when I start college, I will know a lot. #4 I can work at my own pace level. At school, you have to do your school or you do not get to do it at all. If you do not get your homework done for that day, oh well! You move on. #5 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to be fair in my thinking. This means to instead of choosing a side just because you like it more, or it is more believable, look at both sides of the story. (I got these from an original paper. If you want to know the rest of these things, than go there. It is titled “15 benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum”.) Well, that’s it. Hope your parents let you use the Ron Paul Curriculum.

15 benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum. My fifteen benefits are: #1 It is on computers and computers are easily portable, more portable than those large text books they have at school. #2 One word. Papers. The Ron Paul Curriculum gives me papers instead of tests because papers help me think. In tests you just memorize and then forget. #3 I homeschool so my mom has to teach me. But with the Ron Paul Curriculum I can be taught by real professors even when I am still at home. #4 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me self-discipline. #5 Ron Paul Curriculum tells me how to think, not what to think. #6 Ron Paul Curriculum  uses mainly the internet as a school resource so I get the most up-to-date information. #7 Because the Ron Paul Curriculum is on the internet, I can do it anywhere. #8 Ron Paul Curriculum is preparing me for college. #9 I can work at my own pace level. #10 My family loves Ron Paul Curriculum because he teaches us the same stuff we believe in. #11 It makes homeschooling easier for my mom since she has so much kids. #12 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to be fair in my thinking. #13 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to retain important information. #14 I get to learn about classic literature. #15 The Ron Paul Curriculum teaches Biblical principles while teaching general education.

Did Thompson provide persuasive evidence that South’s slave system was morally evil? First, I want to tell you who Thompson  really was. Thompson’s full name was John Thompson. He was born in 1812 on a plantation in Maryland as a slave. He grew up there with his family consisting of his mother, his father, and his six brothers and sisters. Also, even still at a young age, he experienced the very true act of slavery when his sister was sold and never seen again. Like his sister, it was not long after when he was separated from his family as well by being sold away.

Back then, slavery was very very wrong. According to Google, slavery means “the state of being a slave.” According to Google, a slave is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.” That means that somebody owns another person (that person is the other person’s property) and forces him to do his bidding (work for him). The slave people were Black people. People captured these black people for slaves. I do not know why, but I think that it was just that either the whites were just evil evil men, or the whites captured the blacks because they thought that the blacks were ‘animals’. I mean, just because blacks have different skin color or they have different religious beliefs does not mean that they are of any less importance than the whites. As it says in Acts 17:25-28, “25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring”. People capturing people and forcing them to work as slaves when they have done nothing wrong is just wrong. The black African people have been peaceful for years. But then, Americans came in and captured the blacks and forced them to work as slaves. All men are created equal, and yet, the Americans were treating the Africans like animals. It is a miracle that slavery is now abolished (no more) to this day.

(As you may know, I copied a little of a recent paper into this paper. The paper I copied is titled “What was Thompson’s theory of the relationship between sanctions and slavery?”.) So, back to our topic, Did Thompson provide persuasive evidence that South’s slave system was morally evil? The answer is yes. He explains slaves getting wiped, not being able to learn, working hard all day and night, and so much more. He very much so persuaded me to answer that question as a yes.

What was Thompson’s theory of the relationship between sanctions and slavery? First of all, I want to tell you who Thompson was. Thompson’s full name was John Thompson. He was born in 1812 on a plantation in Maryland as a slave. He grew up there with his family consisting of his mother, his father, and his six brothers and sisters. Also, even still at a young age, he experienced the very true act of slavery when his sister was sold and never seen again. Like his sister, it was not long after when he was separated from his family as well by being sold away.

Back then, slavery was very very wrong. According to Google, slavery means “the state of being a slave.” According to Google, a slave is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.” That means that somebody owns another person (that person is the other person’s property) and forces him to do his bidding (work for him). The slave people were Black people. People captured these black people for slaves. I do not know why, but I think that it was just that either the whites were just evil evil men, or the whites captured the blacks because they thought that the blacks were ‘animals’. I mean, just because blacks have different skin color or they have different religious beliefs does not mean that they are of any less importance than the whites. As it says in Acts 17:25-28, “25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring”. People capturing people and forcing them to work as slaves when they have done nothing wrong is just wrong. The black African people have been peaceful for years. But then, Americans came in and captured the blacks and forced them to work as slaves. All men are created equal, and yet, the Americans were treating the Africans like animals. It is a miracle that slavery is now abolished (no more) to this day.

“A sanction is a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule” According to Google. According to, sanction means (as a noun because sanction can be a noun or a verb) “it is especially applied to situations in which one country’s government imposes economic sanctions on another to try to force it to comply with laws or certain expectations.” This means that if someone said “Do this or I will whip you.” That is a sanction. If you say something and threaten them that if they do not do it you will do something to harm them, that will motivate them to do it, right? That is how people made slaves work for them. Threaten them to do something or they will severely punish them. It worked for many slave owners, and some people still use it to this day, sadly.

So, back to the topic, what was Thompson’s theory of the relationship between sanctions and slavery? I believe that his theory was positive sanctions will receive a better result than negative sanctions.

The five student benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum that Ron Paul missed in the 26 Reasons landing page are: Ron Paul Curriculum school can be done on the computer instead of big textbooks. Ron Paul Curriculum also tells us about history that happened during Bible times. Ron Paul Curriculum also tells you the truth, while schools sometimes tells you the wrong things. Ron Paul Curriculum even gets into detail about things, yet tells them clear enough so that we can understand it. One more thing. In regular school, they give you papers to write, just like the Ron Paul Curriculum. Except, after you write it and turn it in, the teacher usually looks it over, grades it, and then trashes it. But, in Ron Paul Curriculum it tells you to create a blog and post your paper on the blog. This way, the whole world can see it.

Which ad best conforms to Joyner’s standards of an irresistible offer? First, I would like to tell you what the Irresistible Offer is. “The Irresistible Offer is simply a strategic structuring of your products and/or services where the value-to-cost ratio is value-heavy. Meaning that the value of your offer FAR exceeds the cost to access the value”, According to It is also a book written by Mark Joyner. It is a really good book. I recommend it as a must read. The book tells you how to make an irresistible offer in a lot of detail, however, although I do not liked detailed books I like this detailed book because it tells me how to make a really good irresistible offer.

The ads are M&Ms (1957), Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, 1980, Commodore, 1987 (Australia), and American Express (late 1960’s). And I chose Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, 1980 as the ad that best conforms to Joyner’s Irresistible Offer. Why? Well, because the other ads do not confirm to Joyner’s Irresistible Offer nearly as much. Some repeat some things and some others are just plain weird. I would say that Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, 1980 is the best. The ad really caught me and I was fascinated by it. It was short, it was easy to understand, it got to the point, it did not tell any unnecessary parts, and people need it. Not want it, but need it. Plus, the way that they put the ad together is fascinating. The Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, 1980 is the best out of all of these ads.

What would I do in my autobiography that is different from what Darwin did? First, I want to tell you who Darwin is. His full name is Charles Robert Darwin. Darwin was an “English naturalist, geologist and biologist best known for his contributions to the science of evolution.” Darwin wrote a book called “The Origin of Species” in which he placed his theory of evolution. Now, we know that evolution is not real and that it is God who created the universe, but evolution was Darwin’s belief and we can not change that now that he is dead. “Darwin has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history, and he was honored by burial in Westminster Abbey.” Westminster Abbey is an extremely famous church, most recognized for being the chosen location for seventeen royal weddings, so he must have been extremely famous to be buried in Westminster Abbey. Darwin loved to write books. He wrote a lot of books on biology. He also won a lot of awards. Like FRS, Royal Medal, Wollaston Medal, Copley Medal, Doctor of Laws and Cambridge. He was very respected. He married Emma Wedgwood, and they had ten children. Can you imagine having ten children? I certainly can not. “In 1882 he was diagnosed with what was called “angina pectoris” which then meant coronary thrombosis and disease of the heart. At the time of his death, the physicians diagnosed “anginal attacks”, and “heart-failure”. It has been speculated that Darwin may have suffered from chronic Chagas disease.” His autobiography is a great autobiography and it sold out very quickly because it is the autobiography of a great person, powerful, and well known person. Which he was of course.

Now for the question, what would I do in my autobiography that is different from what Darwin did? Well, it did not give enough detail which is important for any autobiography. Also, he does not include his family in his autobiography. In my autobiography my family would be one of my largest subjects. And those are just a few of the things that I would change in my autobiography that are different than what Darwin did. I hope that you find a lot more.

The logic of my ad. If you are thinking about what my ad was than look at my last business essay (believe me, you can not understand this essay unless you read it. So go back and read it before you read this(if you have not read it yet)). It is not very long but it gets to the point. The logic of my ad means why did I write it it the way that I wrote it. Well, I wrote it because it was my assignment to. I wrote my moms address just in case if somebody had any questions about the product, also known as games. Speaking of games, I chose to write them as the thing that I was selling because it was the first thing that I thought of. Plus, we have a lot of them. They also have no pieces missing or broken, which is very good. I also named them all at the price of five dollars because I did not want to be too high or too low so that no one would buy it, and five dollars seemed like a very good price. And I just randomly chose those good five games. I wrote it all short because I just wanted it to be very short yet very simple with all of the things the buyers need to understand. It is what I like. Short and simple, yet, it tells everything that needs to be said. Try to write your own ad.

Should I include reconstructed speeches in my autobiography? First, I would like to tell you what reconstructed speeches are. Reconstructed speeches are speeches or conversations or anything that you can not quite remember but you have to piece it back together. You may not get it one hundred percent right. So do what I like to do. Only recall the headlights or the parts of the speech that you can remember. But if you forget a very important part that you want or need to write down, ask someone who was also there and maybe they can remember it. But if you can not get in touch with someone who was also there, write down (if you are writing down) as much as you can recall from whatever you were doing. And if you are at a place where people are giving speeches or someone is giving you good advice for you later in your life, than take notes. Take notes so that if you need to remember them later than you will have good notes to remind you what they are so that you will not have to reconstruct it. It is also a lot easier that trying to remember.

So, back to the question. Should I include reconstructed speeches in my autobiography? And the answer to that is… that depends. That is right. The answer is that depends. Let me tell you why the answer is that depends. That depends is the answer because if you remember a speech or conversation that you want to include and you get it one hundred percent correct (or close) you will not need reconstruction on that topic. But, if you forgot some parts in a speech or conversation that you want to include in your autobiography you are going to have to include some reconstruction to fill in the parts that you forgot about. That is why you should journal. Journaling is like taking every day notes. If you journal than you can take every day notes to put in your autobiography. Plus if you journal you can remember a lot more so that you can put more stuff in your autobiography which is a very good thing. The more stuff you put in your journal the less you have to remember. The more good stuff you put in your autobiography the more interesting it is(just do not put any boring or unnecessary stuff in your autobiography or journal). When you write your autobiography it is sometimes fun to look back at your life while writing your autobiography because when you write your autobiography you get to look back at your earlier stages and write about it and tell people about your life. When I write my autobiography (if I ever do) it would be a lot of fun. I would have a blast writing my autobiography and looking back at my life before I would write it. It would be so fun. So remember, if you journal you can prevent reconstruction in your autobiography.