Businessmen and movie stars are both rich. However, people like movie stars, but resent businessmen. How big is the difference between them that people love movie stars but hate businessmen? I think people like movie stars because in the movies they play in, the audience can relate to the characters, and they love the movie, so they love the actors who were a part of it. The audience can relate to the characters in the movie, and actors say things to the public that makes the audience love them even more (but is what they are saying to the public actually true, or are they saying it only to get more fans?). Most businessmen build their wealth for themselves, and very often they do it at someone else’s expense. People think all businessmen are the same, they lie to get their money and they are selfish people. Now, not all rich businessmen do this, but a lot of them did, and that is what they are remembered for, and people think they are all the same.

I think that people like movie stars because movie stars want the audience to like them, so they will try anything to make people like them, and people believe them. However, some are honest with the audience, but people love them. And people think businessmen are all the same. They think that the businessmen think that they are better than the common person because they have more money, so the people become jealous and resent businessmen, but what they do not realize is the businessmen worked hard to obtain their wealth, whereas the common people did not. They could have worked hard to become rich, but instead of trying to become rich, they decided to be jealous of the rich people and not do anything about it.