In this past year of American Literature, I have been learning about books and movies, both of which are American literature. I have also learned about the differences of each from each other. In this essay, I will explain what each of them are in, hopefully, my simplest terms, and explain what I like or do not like about each.

Personally, I love to read, sometimes even more than watching movies. In books, you have to imagine what is happening because you can not see what is happening. In movies, all you do is watch and listen. You see things and you hear things. No imagination involved. However, books explain things more clearly. In movies, you have to see for yourself. Now, most people like seeing things happen rather than imagining it for themselves because it is easier, and it is. However, I like to use my imagination. Books are better at explaining things. For example, a book says when a person is sad, happy, depressed, etc. Books also show what people are thinking. Movies can not do that. People have to say it for you to understand it. Now, you may be able to tell a person’s emotions from their facial expression or their actions, but you can not tell what they are thinking unless somebody says it. However, if there is like an animal or plant that the book is trying to describe, I do find it a little hard to try to think of what it may look like in my mind, whereas in a movie, you can see what it looks like. You sight is the most powerful of your senses, so it is no wonder people would rather see things happen then use their imagination and imagine it for themselves. I have a huge imagination, so it is no problem for me to imagine what is happening in a book. However, there is the problem of unrecognizable words. Some words you do not know and some words are hard to pronounce. However, you could go get the dictionary to figure out what they mean. But whose gonna want to read through a dictionary to find out what a word means while you are reading a good book? Not me. However, in movies you do not read (unless during subtitles or a sign or whatever). You just mainly watch and listen, which is easy. Also, one of my favorite parts about movies is the music. Music plays a huge factor in movies, and that just makes people like it more. Sometimes when I am reading, I imagine music playing in the background while a particular scene is playing out in the book. Music is definitely a big part of why people like movies and not books.

These are the biggest points I think are associated with the differences between movies and books. Personally, I like some books better than movies, and some movies better than books. I kind of depends on what I am watching or reading. I am sure it is the same for you too.

Quiz Show did not tell the truth about key historical figures. Did this break the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’? First, a quick summary of the movie:

Queens-born Herbie Stempel (John Turturro) becomes an unlikely hero after winning on America’s beloved game show, “Twenty One.” When the network decides to bring in a more telegenic contestant, the WASP-ish Charles Van Doren (Ralph Fiennes), Stempel takes aim at the show, announcing that the game is rigged. Congressional investigator Dick Goodwin (Rob Morrow) is brought in to examine the claim that winners were given the answers. Goodwin wrote the book on which this true story is based.

Quiz Show did not tell the truth about key historical figures. Did this break the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’? What does it mean to bear false witness? Now, we cannot take this out of context, so lets see what bearing false witness means in the Bible, which is where this verse (Exodus 16:20) is found. What does it mean to bear false witness according to the Bible? To bear false witness in the Bible means to give an untrue testimony. It basically means to lie. If the movie Quiz Show did not tell the truth about key historical figures, would that count as bearing false witness? I would say that if it is not the truth, it is a lie. The question literally says ‘did not tell the truth’. That means that the movie lied about key historical figures. Now, some people might see this as not lying because it’s just a movie and it is not real. However, several movies lie about a lot of things in the real world. Sometimes it is important to the story, that they just changed it or made something up for the movie to make sense, but if it is not the truth, it is a lie. Some people call these lies harmless, the more common term I think is a white lie. But it does not matter if it is the smallest lie, or even if you twist the truth, they are still lies. Quiz Show did not tell the truth about historical key figures, so yes, I think this breaks the commandment ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’. Quiz Show lied about key historical figures. Some people might say that it is fine, that people know the truth about them so the lie does not matter, but what about those that do not know the truth? Are they just going to go on with life thinking that this lie is the truth? Many people think that if it is in a movie, it is probably a lie, but it might be the truth, so if they do not know if it is a lie or the truth, they forget about it. But what of those people that believe that it is the truth? I do not know about them, but what I do know is that lies are wrong. Quiz Show lied about key historical figures, and that was wrong.

Businessmen and movie stars are both rich. However, people like movie stars, but resent businessmen. How big is the difference between them that people love movie stars but hate businessmen? I think people like movie stars because in the movies they play in, the audience can relate to the characters, and they love the movie, so they love the actors who were a part of it. The audience can relate to the characters in the movie, and actors say things to the public that makes the audience love them even more (but is what they are saying to the public actually true, or are they saying it only to get more fans?). Most businessmen build their wealth for themselves, and very often they do it at someone else’s expense. People think all businessmen are the same, they lie to get their money and they are selfish people. Now, not all rich businessmen do this, but a lot of them did, and that is what they are remembered for, and people think they are all the same.

I think that people like movie stars because movie stars want the audience to like them, so they will try anything to make people like them, and people believe them. However, some are honest with the audience, but people love them. And people think businessmen are all the same. They think that the businessmen think that they are better than the common person because they have more money, so the people become jealous and resent businessmen, but what they do not realize is the businessmen worked hard to obtain their wealth, whereas the common people did not. They could have worked hard to become rich, but instead of trying to become rich, they decided to be jealous of the rich people and not do anything about it.